Millionaire's Brain Academy

Millionaire's Brain Academy by Winter Vee

Millionaire's Brain Academy is an online course with a focus on business practices and staying positive.You will mostly reference the e-book while you study, but there are a few bonuses and some workbooks to use, too.

The eBook is 121 pages long. The goal is to change your mindset and get you into thinking like a millionaire. This means that you will let go of negative beliefs about yourself, like low self-esteem, a scarcity mindset, and any other unhelpful beliefs of a negative variety.

The program tries to tell you that a millionaire brain is wired totally different from those who are not millionaires. It claims to have the know how on how the millionaire neutrons are connected and if we just did that, we can all be millionaires.

Millionaire’s Brain Academy’s sales video keep telling us there’s some big secret to his method but there’s nothing new in this 121 page ebook.

All you’ll find inside is some information on how to remove negativity from your life and change those negative thoughts in your head to positive ones.

Millionaire's Brain Academy by Winter Vee